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Writer's pictureTarchia Powell

The Joys of March

Part 1 of 4


March is the month a leader was born! It's my birthday month.

In 2019, while preparing to deliver the announcements for my church the Lord spoke to me about a scripture, He wanted me to look at. I had heard this scripture often. I knew this time reading it would be different. I was expecting a revelation.

Revelation: the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world.

I know that God is the “super” to my natural; so, I leaned in to listen to what I was hearing. Here is the scripture:

Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations— that’s what I had in mind for you.” Jeremiah 1:5 MSG

A revelation will cause your eyes of understanding to see truth. It was so simple and powerful to me on that Sunday morning that began to free me from the praise and the rejection of what people thought about me. It also confirmed for me I was made with purpose, on purpose, for purpose, and in purpose!

Think about this, God already had a perfect purpose, divine destiny, kingdom assignment for you; before He placed you in your mother’s womb! That’s something to be “joy”full about. Yes, full of joy.

Just in case I had any doubts that Sunday morning the Lord used a guest speaker on that Sunday as confirmation. I had not met the speaker before. The speak did not know me either, but God does! What the speaker shared with me directly on that Sunday was aligned with Jeremiah 1:5 and more! I am sharing this because I hope I am encouraging you to know how special we are to God.

I experience birthdays so differently now. I recognized that my existence was not based upon my goodness but God's goodness. Everything our Creator made was "good" - check out the Book of Genesis.

On your birthday declare this:

I was made with purpose, on purpose, for purpose, and in purpose! God has the master plan and He created me to help Him fulfill the plan.

Maybe you don’t quite feel that way (yet) and you feel lost, stuck, or not confident. Me too, I've been there on life’s journey. I am thankful we have a Father who gives us a way to escape, break-through and overcome those thoughts.

Here are some tips you can try:

1. Gratitude journaling

2. Hang out with someone who brightens your day. Go ahead give them a call.

3. Take time to do something YOU enjoy doing.

4. Put on your favorite outfit and take a few pics!

Staying in a place that doesn’t align with your purpose is not the will of God for your life!

As a leadership coach I often help people get back on track. Click the link for a discovery call if you need a partner to come alongside you.

Happy Birthday to those who share this month with me! I think we are God's favorite:)



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