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Writer's pictureTarchia Powell

Walking Backward?....ABOUT FACE!

Summer camp fun included different competitions where you hope you were on the winning team or not picked last. One race I remember was having to run backwards to get across the finish line. My strategy back then was to take a good look at the course before lining up. Once in the race I relied on the yells and screams of the team to guide me across. I won't say if I won or loss; but what I will share is at some point along the way I may have bumped into the next person or maybe even had a little tumble. I am still here to tell the story. It’s ok to laugh.

Along the years I have also learned there are mental and physical benefits to walking backwards. Ha! I just realized writing this why those summer camp counselors had us running backwards. It was to give us good exercise and a good laugh because the tumble was hilarious. Yup, still laughing. You had to be there, I guess.

Seriously, some mental benefits to walking backwards include a good sense of body awareness. You are in tuned with ever step and you make each step and movement count. It also helps the mind to avoid boredom and it improves your mood. I hope I already improved your mood just by sharing how I tumbled the last time I raced backwards. Believe it or not walking backwards even helps with your sleep cycles. Physically it can help with balance, burn calories, and boost your energy.

The mind and body benefits of walking backwards are not the only factors I want to share with you. I need you to think a little deeper; and focus on your destiny today!

Apostle Hilliard once said, "The power to define; is the power to determine destiny." How can you define what you can't see? While I took a long hard look at the course before lining up at that summer camp race, I wouldn’t be able to recall what would be behind me. Rather it be a rock, stick, or even a tree. I can’t see what is ahead of me if I am walking backwards. I wouldn't see it until I walked over it, broke through it, or bumped into it. Walking backwards toward your destiny is hazardous.

Here are the side effects of walking backwards toward destiny:

  • Difficult or unable to recover from pain or rejection

  • Your voice is silenced; but you can hear the voice of others controlling your moves. This can be a job or systems too.

  • Fear has gripped you to the point you are afraid to look around the corner

  • Feelings of being stuck because you are waiting for the next "big thing".

ABOUT FACE….. the time is now. About face before you go off the deep end. About face, so you can get back on the mark (road). About face, so you can take off running. About face, your destiny needs you fully engaged. Get in control of your life!

What’s Next:

1. Acknowledge you were walking backwards. Acknowledgement is the first step in engaging with your destiny. When you take the time to acknowledge where you are and what you have just come out of (walking backwards or darkness) the weight you once carried will be lifted. Repent - about face and go a different direction. When it has been lifted to go back and grab it. Let it go! you were walking backwards. Acknowledgement is the first step in engaging with your destiny. When you take the time to acknowledge where you are and what you have just come out of (walking backwards or darkness) the weight you once carried will be lifted. Repent - about face and go a different direction. When it has been lifted to go back and grab it. Let it go!

Take the time to identify all the areas in your life where you may have lost control. The areas where you put someone other than God or something in the driver seat. This awareness will help you be intentionally in these areas going forward.

If it wasn't God who was controlling, you and why? Whose voice are you listening to the most and why? Do you have your relationships in the right context? Do you know the context of your relationship?

Find out the answers to these questions to walk out the process of acknowledgement.

2. Decide to turn "right". Did you know in military context “about face” is a command to turn? What is the next right turn for you? It’s likely that you got turned backwards because of past decisions. Let new decisions get you in a better position. Let your decisions make an about face. To be successful don't make permanent decisions on temporary emotions. Get good at recognizing and managing your emotions.

Heart Questions: Based upon what you uncover in the Acknowledge step what is a decision you need to make? Is the decision you going to make going to benefit you or hurt you? Will you regret making it? Does it reflect our values?

Make decisions based on biblical truths, good counsel, and wise judgement. The Lord empowers us to make the right decisions. Ask yourself the heart questions so you can do the next step!

3. Stand at attention! Stand with your head high and shoulders back. When you about face you have given up playing small or not playing at all. Stand - looking forward fully conscious and engaged with your destiny. When you stand that is a sign you are secure in your position, and you trust your path. Assess the path before you. Be honest with yourself; even though you can see ahead clearly, there will be bumps and turns along the way. Stand anyway. Now that you are facing forward you can handle them differently and better. Your recovery time is much less when you are facing forward.

Standing gives you rank! When you stand, you call attention to the enemy and declare war on any plot or scheme planned against you!

Stand strong. Even when you are unable to stand you will have been able to see who you can lean on along the way because your focus is different.

4. Move Forward! You just got your footing so don't worry about how fast you move or how big of a step or leap you can take. Let every move you make be strategic and intentional. Each move should represent your changed heart.

Commitment will be needed as you move forward. Something will reach to go back to what was comfortable. Remember that way is hazardous. Press forward toward your mark! Remember you looked at the path when you turned around. Stay focused on what you saw up ahead.

I'm here to sound the alarm! About face! I see you winning your race. Even though you may stumble you won't quick. What you see ahead if you are far greater than what is behind you. Just know that grace and mercy are following your every step. You were surviving on this journey and now you get to thrive on this journey.

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